Home Uncategorized Shree Anna Sammelan: The President of Guyana offers 200 acres of land for millet production

Shree Anna Sammelan: The President of Guyana offers 200 acres of land for millet production

New Delhi, March 18 (HS): The President of Guyana, Dr Mohamed Irfan Ali, on Saturday lauded Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for organizing the first Global Nutritious Cereals (Sri Anna) conference in Pusa, New Delhi. Also said that this conference will play an important role in facing the world’s biggest challenge regarding food insecurity.

In a video message, Dr Irfan Ali also offered 200 acres of land in his country for specialized production of millets in honor of the United Nations declaring the year 2023 as the International Year of Nutritious Cereals (IYOM). In return, he said, India would provide technology and technical assistance to increase agricultural production and productivity of this wonderful food.

Dr Irfan said that millets are not only an economical and nutritious option, but this group of crops is also resilient to the vagaries of climate change. He promised all possible assistance in the production and promotion of millets in the 17 Caribbean countries, which would popularize millets in the Caribbean community.

DR Irfan talk about the production and export of millet

He further said that India is the global leader in both the production and export of millets and can play a leading role in the global production and popularization of millets.

Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde in another video address congratulated PM Modi for organizing the Global Conference on Millets and said that it will inspire the governments and policy makers of the world to promote and produce miracle millets.

Sahle-Work Jevde said that millets will play an important role in meeting the food security challenges not only of sub-Saharan countries like Ethiopia but of the entire African continent.

Hindusthan Samachar/ Sushil/Indrani Sarkar

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