Home Uncategorized SHE M POWER 2023: Women’s Conclave & Awards Celebrate Female Empowerment

SHE M POWER 2023: Women’s Conclave & Awards Celebrate Female Empowerment

Telangana: Hyderabad: March 17 (HS) SHE M POWER–5th Women’s Conclave & Awards 2023 with the theme “Accelerate Safety & Well-Being in Sustainable World held on Friday at JRC Convention centre, Filmnagar in the city. More than 1000 delegates have taken part in the same.

DGP Anajani Kumar launched two She Shuttle Services sponsored by Virtusa and Providence. It had 15 to date and two more added and together are impacting one lakh people a month.

Addressing the gathering Mr Anjani Kumar, DGP said with safety protocols in place, technology will be a wonderful servant. Cultivate the culture of protocols.

One flight either lands or takes off every minute across the world. Except few, not many incidents or accidents are seen because of the adherence to the strict protocols, standard systems, and checks and balances. These protocols have to be evolved in every field he said.

Which are the top most populous countries in the world? he asked the audience. The stock answer we have is China and India. But it is Facebook he said. If Facebook was to be a country, it has 2.4 billion subscribers, more than China or India’s population. Facebook knows everything about you. Your date they have is more vulnerable, he said.

He explained how terrorists used more intelligence than police in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack.

Dr Gurunath Reddy, CMD of Continental Hospital gave the keynote address. And he gave convincing facts about how women are superior to men. Women’s brains work five times faster than men’s. MRI shows that 70% of neurons in women’s brains light up much faster to perform multiple tasks than men. Men can sprint well. But women beat men in the long run. Women proved to have more endurance than men in the case of the 195 km long run. No man could ever beat that record. Women have higher physical endurance. Women are healthier, they live longer. Their muscle fiber is stronger and makes them better long-distance runners and bikers. Less women are diabetic, fewer women suffer cancer. They get fewer infectious diseases. Men get more flue attacks than women, he said much to the surprise of the audience.

Stephen Raveendra, Commissioner of Cyberabad Police said the theme of the conclave is vital to society. We have come a long way in women-related matters, but a still long way to go. Women’s rights are still challenged. One of the few challenges is the financial well-being of women. The women are financially excluded and discriminated against. Education is the cornerstone for women’s empowerment. We see girls excelling more than boys in tenth-class results but subsequently dropping out. Only 9% of co-founders of startups are women. Well-being of a woman is another critical component. He urged corporations to pay more attention to the wellness of women employees. Time for change is now, he said and concluded his speech.

Welcoming the gathering Ms Pratyusha Sharma, SCSC Women’s Forum leader said the theme was chosen carefully. How do we accelerate safety, and well-being in a sustainable world by always paying due respect to women, helping them rise and helping them voice and ensure the message reaches more?

Participating in this Apoorva IPS said police are focusing on data and evidence-led policing. She said that cyber crimes are on the rise. Dr Rama Devi spoke about mental health and how to handle stress.

Anil Rachamalla said the gifts of technology are addiction, attention deficiency, impatience, instant gratification, and no empathy. In all these common sense is missing in social engineering cases which are on the rise more than cyber crimes. In social engineering crimes they use some data collected online, he said.

Jennifer Larson, Consul General of the US Consulate was the Chief Guest for the Awards ceremony

Hindusthan Samachar/ Nagaraj Rao

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