Home News 7 hectares of poppy plantations destroyed in Manipur

7 hectares of poppy plantations destroyed in Manipur

7 hectares of poppy plantations destroyed in Manipur

Imphal (Manipur), November 30 (HS): Manipur Police’s campaign against opium cultivation continues unabated and launched a massive operation to destroy opium plantations in the surrounding areas of Lungchom Mafai block under Somdal police station area of Ukhrul district. Manipur Police on Thrusday said that around seven hectares of opium plantations were destroyed in the operation. However, after getting information about the arrival of security forces, people associated with its business fled.

More than 100 hectares of opium cultivation has been destroyed so far this year. Destroying these fields is proving to be a big challenge for the Manipur Police as well as the Assam Rifles personnel.

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