Home News Farmers to benefit from spraying nano urea on crops: Agricultural scientist

Farmers to benefit from spraying nano urea on crops: Agricultural scientist

Farmers to benefit from spraying nano urea on crops: Agricultural scientist

Kanpur, 21 Dec (HS): Various trials conducted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research found that two sprays of Nano Urea as top-dressing along with the recommended basal dose of nitrogen increases the yield by three to eight percent. This will prove beneficial for the farmers. This information was given by Dr. S.N. Sunil Pandey, agricultural and meteorological scientist of Chandrashekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, in a special conversation with Hindusthan Samachar on Thursday. He said that with the use of nano urea, up to 25-50 percent urea was saved in crops. A 500 ml bottle of IFFCO Nano Liquid Urea is priced at Rs 225, which is 16 percent less than the price of a 45 kg bag of conventional urea. This shows that nano urea not only increases the yield, but also reduces the cost of crop production due to its use in less quantity.

Dr. Pandey told that Nano Urea benefits the crop when it is sprayed on the leaves and easily penetrates through the stomata and other pores of the plants and fulfills the nitrogen requirement of the crops. Due to its specific shape and high surface area ratio, it effectively meets crop nutrient requirements, resulting in reduced nutrient stress, resulting in better plant growth and higher yields.

During the Bharat Sankalp Yatra organised by the government in the country, nano urea and DAP are being sprayed with the help of drones in many villages of the country. The government even gives huge subsidies for the purchase of drones and spraying of nano urea. In such a situation, the question arises whether farmers are really getting any benefit from the use of nano urea or not. A question regarding this was raised in the Lok Sabha on 15 December. In response to which, the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers said that adding the first nano liquid urea developed in the country to standing crops not only increases the production but also reduces the cost of crop production as its price is lower than the conventionally available granular urea.

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