Home News Parliament remains turbulent over security lapse

Parliament remains turbulent over security lapse

Parliament remains turbulent over security lapse

New Delhi, December 18 (HS): The proceedings of both Houses of Parliament remained turbulent on Monday over the issue of security lapse. During this, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha sought the cooperation of the opposition in allowing the House to function.

When the proceedings of the Lok Sabha started, the opposition members reached the well of the House displaying plac cards and started creating a ruckus. During this, Speaker Om Birla reiterated that the responsibility of security of the Parliament complex rests on him, and he has discussed this matter with the leaders of all parties and appropriate steps will be taken in this regard. Wherever cooperation is required, it will be taken from the government. Such incidents have happened in the past, too.

He said that this time it has been discussed in the Business Advisory Committee that no member will bring plac cards into the house. Seeing the increasing uproar, the proceedings were postponed. The Parliamentary Affairs Minister also appealed to the opposition for cooperation and said that this is the last full session of the Lok Sabha and a lot of legislative work is left. The opposition should cooperate and let the House function.

After the process of laying the papers in Rajya Sabha was completed, the proceedings were adjourned until 11:30 am due to a ruckus by the opposition. Chairman Jagdeep Dhankar said that he has seen inappropriate conduct from some members and would not tolerate it. The proceedings of the Rajya Sabha were adjourned.

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