Home News Owaisi slams Art 370 abrogation as violation of constitutional morals

Owaisi slams Art 370 abrogation as violation of constitutional morals

Owaisi slams Art 370 abrogation as violation of constitutional morals

Delhi, 11 December (HS): The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the validity of the abrogation of Article 370 has sparked strong reactions from the opposition. While expressing disappointment over the verdict, opposition leaders have also vowed to continue their fight against the move.

Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi has raised concerns about the consequences of legitimising the union government’s decision and its impact on the distinct constitutional relationship between Kashmir and the Union. He further highlighted the potential demographic changes that may occur as a result of this decision, particularly for the Dogras of Jammu and Buddhists of Ladakh.

Owaisi also questioned the role of Parliament in passing a resolution that should have been passed by the Assembly, stating that it goes against the principle of federalism. He believes that this verdict sets a dangerous precedent and gives the union government a free hand to make major cities into union Territories. Owaisi also condemned the manner in which Article 370 was abrogated, calling it a violation of constitutional morality and a betrayal of the promise made to the people of Kashmir. This decision has also raised concerns about the lack of democratic representation in Ladakh, which is now being ruled by a Lt. Governor.

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