Home News 16 Corps Signal Regiment Cycling Expedition reaches Bodhkharbu

16 Corps Signal Regiment Cycling Expedition reaches Bodhkharbu

16 Corps Signal Regiment Cycling Expedition reaches Bodhkharbu

Jammu, 9 November (HS): Adventure is an aspect which requires a high degree of physical as well as mental fitness and robustness. The same is beautifully exemplified by all ranks of 16 Corps Signal Regt, by planning and undertaking a cycling expedition from Nagrota to Khardungla in Leh, to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of 16 Corps Signal Regiment.

The expedition is traversing a mountainous and treacherous route of approximately 800 kms in 23 days, with an aim to foster camaraderie and esprit-de-corps amongst serving soldiers and veterans and inspire youth. The cycling team, enroute, is paying reverence to brave hearts of the nation who made the supreme sacrifice for the country and felicitate the Veer Naris. The expedition will be flagged in at Leh on November 16.

The cycling expedition team started from 31 Punjab(Kargil) at 0820 hrs and reached Bodhkharbu at 1620 hrs after covering an approx distance of 68 Kms. Enroute, the team halted for tea at 55 Road Construction Company(Mulbek) where the team was recieved by AE(C) Ram Kumar. The team then started for Bodhkharbu. Enroute, the team passed Namika La(12,198 feet) and stopped for tea at the top.

The team is halting for night at 260 Transit Camp(Bodhkharbu) and will be moving for Khaltse tomorrow morning.

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