Home News Updates Jharkhand governor wants people to create Entrepreneurial workforce

Jharkhand governor wants people to create Entrepreneurial workforce

Jharkhand governor wants people to create Entrepreneurial workforce

Ranchi, 3 May (HS): Jharkhand Governor CP Radhakrishnan on Wednesday urged people to extend their role in creating a skilled and entrepreneurial workforce and work together to make Jharkhand a prosperous state with ample employment opportunities for all while speaking at an apprenticeship conclave at the Indian Institute of Management in the state capital.

On the occasion, he also discussed the Indian skill development service (ISDS), which was launched in 2018 to work towards making India a skill hub of the world through demand-based skilling, re-skilling, and up-skilling of youths, and expressed his belief in the service in creating convergence and synergy between different organizations and greatly assisting in reaping the potential of India’s demographic dividend.

He said that Jharkhand is a state with immense potential, rich in natural resources and a young and dynamic workforce but to realize its full potential focus on capturing opportunities and working towards the idea of ”Atmanirbhar” was required.

Hindusthan Samachar/Raj Kumar

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