Home National ISRO’s ‘Pushpak’ Launch Marks Milestone in Reusable Rocket Technology

ISRO’s ‘Pushpak’ Launch Marks Milestone in Reusable Rocket Technology

ISRO’s ‘Pushpak’ Launch Marks Milestone in Reusable Rocket Technology

New Delhi, March 22 (HS): Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) successfully landed ‘Pushpak’ aircraft in Chitradurga, Karnataka on Friday morning. #ISRO #PushpakLaunch

ISRO gave this information in its X-handle post. ‘Pushpak’ is an SUV-sized winged rocket. It is also being called ‘Indigenous Space Shuttle’. #ISROAchievement #SpaceTechnology

This is a reusable aircraft. It can be brought back to Earth and used again. #ReusableTechnology #SustainableSpace

ISRO said on the occasion that the RLVLEX-02 landing experiment marked a milestone in the field of reusable launch vehicle (RLV) technology. #RLVTechnology #MilestoneAchieved

The test was conducted at 7:10 am at the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) in Chitradurga. ‘Pushpak’ was released from an Air Force helicopter Chunuk from a height of 4.5 kilometers. #AeronauticalTest #SuccessfulLanding

The mission was carried out by Vikram Sarabhai Space Center (VSSC) along with Liquid Propulsion Systems Center (LPSC) and ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU). #ISROMission #CollaborativeEffort

ISRO chief S Somnath congratulated the team for the successful completion of this complex mission. #ISROChief #MissionSuccess

Dr S Unnikrishnan Nair, Director of VSSC, said this success is an important step towards future orbital re-entry missions. #VSSCDirector #SpaceExploration

The Pushpak Viman Mission team was guided by Sunil P, Program Director, Advanced Technology and Systems Programme, VSSC. #PushpakTeam #ProgramDirector

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