Home Jambudvip Nakshatras Bharani Nakshatra

Bharani Nakshatra

Bharani Nakshatra

Bharani Nakshatra:

Bharani is the second nakshatra in the sequence of 27 nakshatras in Hindu astrology. It is represented by three bright stars in the constellation of Aries, known as 35, 39, and 41 Arietis.

The symbol of Bharani is the yoni, which represents the female reproductive organ, and is associated with fertility and the power of creation. The ruling deity of Bharani is Yama, the god of death and justice, and the planet associated with this nakshatra is Venus.

People born under the Bharani nakshatra are believed to be creative, ambitious, and strong-willed. They are known for their hard work, determination, and persistence in achieving their goals. However, they may also have a tendency towards impulsiveness, possessiveness, and stubbornness.

The animal associated with Bharani is the elephant, which symbolizes strength, wisdom, and loyalty. People born under this nakshatra are believed to have an affinity for elephants and may benefit from keeping a statue or image of an elephant in their home or workplace.

The presiding deity of Bharani, Yama, is associated with the concept of karma and justice. People born under this nakshatra may have a strong sense of right and wrong and may be drawn toward careers in law enforcement or the legal profession.

The favourable colour for Bharani is blood red, and the gemstone associated with this nakshatra is coral. The mantra for Bharani is “Om Eem”, and it is believed to bring harmony, abundance, and success to those who chant it regularly. The ruling planet Venus also brings an element of love and romance to those born under this nakshatra, and they may benefit from wearing clothes and accessories in shades of pink and pastels.

Astronomical Information of Bharani Nakshatra:-

Bharani Nakshatra is located in the constellation of Aries and is the second nakshatra in the sequence of 27 nakshatras in Hindu astrology. Its astronomical coordinates are as follows:

Right Ascension: 02h 41m 35s to 06h 10m 00s

Declination: +13° 20′ 00″ to +16° 40′ 00″

Galactic Longitude: 167.34° to 171.03°

Galactic Latitude: -11.06° to 8.26°

Bharani Nakshatra is represented by three bright stars in the constellation of Aries, known as 35, 39, and 41 Arietis. These stars are located at a distance of approximately 180 light-years from Earth and have an apparent magnitude of around 4.5.

The ruling planet of Bharani Nakshatra is Venus, which is the second planet from the Sun and is known for its brightness and beauty. Venus has an orbital period of 224.7 Earth days and is the hottest planet in the solar system, with a surface temperature of over 450°C.

Bharani Nakshatra is associated with the element of fire and is believed to be a powerful and transformative energy that can help individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. It is also associated with the concept of karma and justice, and people born under this nakshatra may have a strong sense of right and wrong and a desire to uphold moral and ethical principles.

Bharani’s Four Quarters (Padas):-

Bharani nakshatra is divided into four quarters or padas, each with its own unique qualities and characteristics:

Bharani Nakshatra 1st Pada: The first pada of native-born in the Bharani Nakshatra comes in the Leo Navamsa, ruled by the Sun. The significant thing about this pada is that the native is totally absorbed in creativity and possesses high-end artistic talent. These people can be very selfish and can hurt others unknowingly.

Bharani Nakshatra 2nd Pada: The second pada of the native-born in the Bharani Nakshatra is in the Virgo Navamsam and is governed by Mercury. The focus of this Nakshatra is on hard work and determination. The person born in this pada is likely to be altruistic. The native knows what exactly he is doing even with chaos reigning all around him.

Bharani Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada of the native-born in the Bharani Nakshatra falls in the Libra Navamsa, governed by Venus. These natives have the special skill to harmonize opposites. However, there is likely to be too much sex that this native will indulge in, and whether it is good or bad for him/her depends on how mature the native is.

Bharani Nakshatra 4th Pada: The fourth pada of the native-born in the Bharani Nakshatra falls in the Scorpio Sun Sign Navamsa, governed by Mars. The natives will be brimming with energy, and they can be extremely productive, and may even come up with some valuable discoveries. The native must, however, ensure that the excess energy is utilized in a non-destructive and judicious way.

Strengths of Bharani Nakshatra:-

Ambitious: People born under Bharani nakshatra are ambitious and have a strong desire to achieve their goals. They are hardworking and determined to succeed in life.

Creative: Bharani nakshatra is associated with creativity, and people born under this nakshatra are often artistic and imaginative. They have a natural talent for music, dance, or the arts.

Charismatic: People born under Bharani nakshatra are often charming and charismatic. They have a magnetic personalities and are good at making friends and building relationships.

Loyal: People born under Bharani nakshatra are loyal and committed. They value their relationships and are willing to go to great lengths to maintain them.

Responsible: People born under Bharani nakshatra are responsible and dependable. They take their commitments seriously and are trustworthy.

Weaknesses of Bharani Nakshatra:-

Impulsive: People born under Bharani nakshatra can be impulsive and prone to making hasty decisions. They may act before thinking things through.

Possessive: People born under Bharani nakshatra can be possessive and controlling in their relationships. They may have a tendency to become jealous or possessive of their partners.

Stubborn: People born under Bharani nakshatra can be stubborn and inflexible. They may have a hard time compromising or changing their minds.

Aggressive: People born under Bharani nakshatra can be aggressive and confrontational. They may have a tendency to lash out when they feel threatened or challenged.

Intense: People born under Bharani nakshatra can be intense and passionate. While this can be a strength, it can also lead to conflicts and drama in their relationships.

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