Home Jambudvip Grahas Shani(Saturn)



Characteristics of Shani (Saturn): Saturn, also known as Shani, is considered a malefic planet in Vedic astrology. It is associated with discipline, hard work, and perseverance, and is known to bring challenges and lessons in life. Here are some of the main characteristics of Saturn in Vedic astrology:

Signification: Saturn represents discipline, hard work, karma, limitations, delays, obstacles, and longevity. It rules over Capricorn and Aquarius signs.

Nature: Saturn is a natural malefic planet and represents limitations, restrictions, and delays. It can bring challenges and obstacles in one’s life, but also teaches valuable lessons and helps in building character and resilience.

Exaltation and Debilitation: Saturn is exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries.

Direction: Saturn rules over the west direction.

Relationships: Saturn is friendly with Mercury, Venus, and Rahu, neutral with Sun, Moon, and Jupiter, and inimical with Mars.

Body parts: Saturn rules over the bones, teeth, and skin.

Colour and Metal: The colour associated with Saturn is black and the metal is iron.

Gemstone: The gemstone associated with Saturn is Blue Sapphire.

Transit effects: When Saturn is strong in one’s birth chart or during its transit, it brings discipline, hard work, and perseverance, which can help in achieving success and fulfilling one’s goals. However, when weak or afflicted, it can bring delays, obstacles, and hardships in one’s life.

History of Shani (Saturn): Shani means “Slowness and Laziness”. He is the presiding God of Very painful experiences, difficulties in life and calamities. Shani owns the vehicle as Crow(Kaaka) means driven out. He is the son of the Sun. He looked at a dark complexion and wear black clothes. His eyes are blindfolded because of the misfortune of power.

He is the owner of the zodiac signs of Capricorn(Mahara) and Aquarius(Kumbha). He was Yama(God of Death) preserved by Prajapathi. Black Sesame is the associated grain for Saturn. He is also called “Saturday”. Blue Sapphires and Black stones are sought for his puja.

The Main significance of Shani (Saturn):

Karma and life lessons: Saturn is associated with karma, the law of cause and effect, and life lessons. It is known to bring challenges, obstacles, and hardships in one’s life, but also teaches valuable lessons and helps in building character and resilience.

Discipline and hard work: Saturn represents discipline, hard work, and perseverance. It indicates one’s ability to work hard and overcome obstacles to achieve success.

Delay and obstacles: Saturn is known to bring delays and obstacles in one’s life, but it also teaches patience, persistence, and endurance. A strong Saturn can help one overcome challenges and achieve success through hard work and perseverance.

Longevity and stability: Saturn is associated with longevity, stability, and endurance. It indicates one’s ability to endure hardships and maintain stability and longevity in life.

Justice and morality: Saturn is considered a just and moral planet, and represents honesty, integrity, and responsibility.

Spirituality and detachment: Saturn is associated with spirituality and detachment, and indicates one’s ability to detach from material desires and focus on spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Health: Saturn rules over the bones, teeth, and skin. A strong Saturn indicates good health and vitality.

  • Sanskrit word- Shani
  • Day- Saturday
  • Relationship- Father and Grandparents.
  • Sex- Neutral
  • Lagan Lord in Navamas- 1 Year
  • Direction- West
  • Element-Air
  • Colour- Darkness
  • Gem- Blue Saphire
  • Type- Malefic
  • Metal-Iron
  • Neutrals- Jupiter
  • Aspects- ‘3-7-10
  • Major Period- 17 (14%)
  • Own sign- Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Body Part- Flesh, muscle, lower legs, knees, nerve
  • Avatar/ Incarnation- Kurma
  • God- Kali
  • Taste- Acid
  • Prakirti- Tamas
  • Physiology/ Disease- Gall bladder, Feet, Knees, Nerves, Respiratory system. Indigestion, gout, rheumatism, dyspepsia, insanity, rickets, and diseases associated with vata.  

Mantras For Shani (Saturn):

  • || नीलांजनसमाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम्‌।
  • छायामार्तण्डसम्भूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम्‌ ||
  • Nilanjana samabhasam raviputram yamagrajam.
  • Chaya martanda sambhutam tam namami shaishcharam.

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