Home Jambudvip Grahas Chandra (Moon)

Chandra (Moon)

Chandra (Moon)

Characteristics of Chandra (Moon):-

Chandra, also known as the Moon, is one of the nine planets (Navagrahas) in Vedic astrology. It is considered to be one of the most important planets, as it has a strong influence on human emotions, intuition, and psychological well-being. Here is all the information about Chandra planet in Vedic astrology:

Significance: In Vedic astrology, Chandra is associated with the mind, emotions, intuition, and the inner self. It is considered a feminine planet and is associated with the element of water.

Symbolism: Chandra is depicted as a white-coloured deity holding a mace, with a hare or rabbit as its vehicle. The hare is associated with fertility and abundance, while the mace represents power and protection.

Personality Traits: People born under the influence of Chandra are believed to be sensitive, intuitive, and empathetic. They are in tune with their emotions and are often creative and artistic. They may also be moody or changeable, depending on the phases of the moon.

Health: Chandra is said to govern the digestive system and is associated with mental health and emotional well-being. A strong Chandra in the birth chart is believed to promote good health and a positive outlook.

Remedies: If Chandra is weak or afflicted in a birth chart, it can lead to emotional instability, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Some remedies for a weak Chandra include wearing gemstones such as pearls, reciting mantras, performing Chandra puja, and avoiding spicy or acidic foods

Chandra is an important planet in Vedic astrology, and its placement in the birth chart can reveal important insights into the individual’s emotional nature, psychological tendencies, and overall well-being.

History of Chandra (Moon):-

Chandra is the Moon God born in the milky ocean. Chandra is the second member of Navagraha. He is placed in the Southeast direction. He is also known as “Soma or Monday”. Chandra is a member of the lunar system. His chariot was riding ten white horses.

Chandra has two wives namely Amrita and Rohini. He is assisted by Varunan and Gowri. Moon is the presiding God of mind and emotions. He is situated approximately 240,000 miles from the earth. He holds the lotus buds in his hands. He is the owner of the zodiac sign of Cancer(Kadaga-Crab).

Rice or paddy is associated with grain for Moon. He is water God preserved by Lord Parvathi. Natural Pearl is sought for his puja.

Main Significance of Chandra:-

Mind and Emotions: Chandra represents the mind, emotions, and the subconscious. It is associated with the qualities of nurturing, sensitivity, intuition, and empathy.

Mother and Women: Chandra is also associated with the mother, motherly instincts, and nurturing qualities. It is said to have a strong influence on women and their emotional well-being.

Creativity and Imagination: Chandra is associated with creativity, imagination, and artistic abilities. It is said to inspire the individual’s creative expression and bring out their inner talents.

Health and Longevity: Chandra is also associated with physical health and longevity. It governs the digestive system, chest, and breast areas, and is said to promote overall well-being and longevity.

Spiritual Enlightenment: Chandra is associated with spiritual enlightenment and liberation. It is said to represent the ultimate goal of self-realization and liberation.

  • Sanskrit word – Chandra
  • Day – Monday
  • Relationship – Mother
  • Sex – Female
  • Lagan Lord in Navamas – Minute
  • Direction – North West
  • Element – Water
  • Colour – White
  • Gem – Pearl
  • Type – Depends on
  • Metal – Silver
  • Neutrals – All others
  • Aspects – ‘7
  • Major Period – 10 (08%)
  • Own sign – Cancer
  • Body Part – Chyle, Serum, Lungs, Stomach, Left eye, Breast
  • Avatar/ Incarnation- Lord Krishna
  • God – Shiv
  • Taste – Salty
  • Prakirti – Sattva
  • Physiology/ Disease – Face, Lymph, Lungs, Glands, Left eye, Wombs, Tonsils, Breasts, Stomach, Blood circulation, and Kidneys. Cold, cough, Phthysis, Lunacy, and Colics.

Mantras For The Chandra:-

Om Somaya Namaha

Om Chandraya Namaha

Om Sri Chandraya Namaha

Om Hreem Chandraya Nama

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