Home International Sweden finally becomes NATO member

Sweden finally becomes NATO member

Sweden finally becomes NATO member

Stockholm, 08 Mar (HS): Finally Sweden was made a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) on Thursday, after a long wait. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said ?This is a historic day. Sweden will now take its rightful place at NATO?s table, with an equal say in shaping NATO policies and decisions. After over 200 years of non-alignment Swden now enjoys the protection granted under Article 5, the ultimate guarantee of allies? freedom and security.?

The announcement of Sweden?s inclusion as the 32nd member was made on Thursday and Sweden?s flag was installed at NATO?s Headquarters at Brussels. US President Joe Biden welcomed Sweden?s inclusion and congratulated Sweden on his ?X? handle.

NATO was established in 1949 with 12 countries including America, Britain, Canada, and France. The original aim was to stop the expansion of the USSR, It was resolved that an attack on any member nation would be considered an attack on NATO. All member nations would fight together against any such action.

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