Goan Temple Restoration Project: Wait just gets a bit longer!

What Is The Situation ? Goan Temple Restoration Project Faces Delays and Budget Cuts!

Hindu’s will have to wait a bit longer to see their temples, which were mercilessly destroyed by the Portuguese invaders, as the research is yet to completed. After the Committee of Experts was formed in January 2023, who gave their report and findings, more data was required, which is in the form of books in Portuguese language, that needs to be translated. Only after that, the actual scope of this project would be gauged and further steps would be taken. Further steps include, appointing a consultant who will see this project through, identification of land parcel to build a memorial for temples and further nitty-gritties of this project. But since the translation itself is pending, which is the base of this project, the temples to be restored or a temple memorial to be built is a distant dream. Meanwhile Right to Information (RTI) replies have also revealed that currently there is no final list of temples to be resurrected and also the budget has been logically slashed to less than a half. Moreover, this project and the archeology department, doesn’t even have a full-time Director.   

Translation Delays Stall Temple Restoration Efforts

After the Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant had announced, in December 2021, that the Goan Hindu Temples, mercilessly destroyed the Portuguese invaders, shall see light of the day, there was a sense of satisfaction somewhere that, Finally, Justice would be served. He even reiterated this during his budget speech of 2022-23 and allocated 20 crores towards this project. But even after the appointment of a 5 – member Committee of experts the translation of Portuguese books has delayed the process. “Complete data is not yet in, as the translation of books from Portuguese language to English language is pending. Once this translation is complete, we will be in a position to take the next step.”, said Dr. Nilesh Fal Dessai, Director of Archaeology, while speaking to Insider View. He has also confirmed that the final report of the Committee of Experts was submitted. The Committee of Experts includes the following: Dr. Varad Sabnis, Dr. Varsha Kamat, Dr. Rohit Phalgaonkar, Balaji Shenoy and Ulhas Prabhu Dessai. 

Temple Memorial and Museum Plans on Hold Pending Crucial Translations

After their initial research, the Committee of Experts had tabled their report on 30 December, 2023 and had recommendations like building a Temple Memorial (Smarak-Devalaya), as several Hindu temples were destroyed beyond recognition or beyond any scope of restoration. They had also suggested to set-up a Museum, so that the archeological evidences and remains, scattered around Goa, can be gathered and displayed in the Museum, for people to witness. Translation of books from Portuguese to English language was also one of the recommendations of the Committee of Experts, as this would shed more light in detail, on what exactly had happened then. 

Fal Dessai has already instructed the Executive Editor of the Department of Goa Gazetteer and Historical Records/Archives to translate the books in English Language, which was the recommendation of the Committee of Experts. These books are: Oriente Conquistado a Jesus Chisto Pelos Padres Da Companha de Jesus da Provinciade Goa, Monumentacao Historia Societalislesu:Documenta Indica, Documentacao Para A Historia Das Missoes do Padroado Portuguese do Oriente, Tombo das renders de Salcete-Ilhas e Bardes, Tombo Geral Por Francisco Paes and Foral de Salcete-Ilhas and Bardez.

Fal Dessai also added that, Once these translations are completed, a consultant would be appointed who will handle the next phase of the project, which shall include the identification of the land and constructing a Temple Memorial”. He was of the opinion that unless the actual data is not available, land cannot be finalized. 

Budget Cuts and Leadership Gaps Cloud Project’s Future?

The budget allocated for this project was 20 crores initially, which was slashed to around seven and a half crores. “It was underutilized last year, hence it was slashed. The government is open to increase the budget, if required”, he clarified.  

When questioned, if the absence of a full time director for such a project or the department of Archeology, could be the reason for this delay, he said that this was just an administration post and he already had fine experience and exposure in this role. “I have good exposure and experience in administration as I was earlier the MD of Infotech corporation Goa ltd and also Director of IT, Goa. Plus the last 2 years of exposure in Archeology has fine tuned my overall expertise.”, he concluded. Now, only time will tell, if this project will witness conclusion anytime soon, or shall get dragged in red-tapsim. But one thing is for sure that this project needs a push and a time line. 

In Short What Is The Post About :

  • Project delayed due to pending Portuguese translations.
  • Initial budget cut from 20 crores to 7.5 crores.
  • Experts recommend a Temple Memorial and Museum.
  • Progress depends on completing translations.
  • Next steps: appoint consultant, identify land.
  • Lacks full-time project director.
  • Government open to budget increase.
  • Project’s timeline remains uncertain.

Note for the Reader:

We will be following up on this issue and share latest information. 

We also have access to the Final Report of Committee of Experts and shall share the same with you all.







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