Home Crime SSP Tosh directs officers to lead from the front against heroin menace

SSP Tosh directs officers to lead from the front against heroin menace

SSP Tosh directs officers to lead from the front against heroin menace

Samba, 30 November (HS): Senior Superintendent of Police Samba Benam Tosh has directed the supervisory officers to lead from the front in war against deadly heroin menace.

These directives were issued by the district Police chief while chairing a crime review meeting – cum- IOs workshop at District Police Headquarters here this afternoon.

Additional SP Samba Surinder Choudhary, DySP Headquarters Samba Bhishm Dubey, SDPO Vijaypur Rohit Kumar, SDPO Bari Brahmana Rahul Nagar, DySP DAR Samba Surinder Mohan and all SHOs, all Incharges PPs, Incharge Women Cell Samba, all I/Cs Women Help Desks, all MHCs & MCs all IOs attended the crime review meeting- cum- IOs workshop.

Benam Tosh asked the supervisory officers at gazetted level of and above the rank of Deputy Superintendents of Police (DySsP) to personally lead anti-heroin searches, nakas, patrols and boast of personally taking part in legal battles at courts of law against heroin smugglers, suppliers and peddlers in Samba district so asto clear the district of the deadly menace at the earliest possible. He further directed the supervisory officers to ensure that notorious heroin suppliers, who are not shunning illicit narco trafficking despite legal action and are also involved in attacks on Police, are recommended to be detained under PITNDPSA/PSA and their history sheets & personal files are opened.

SSP Samba assured that officials having outstanding performance on anti-heroin front would be honoured with handsome cash rewards and commendation certificates.

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