Home Corporate It is necessary to incorporate Indian values in education: Prof. T.G. Sitaram

It is necessary to incorporate Indian values in education: Prof. T.G. Sitaram

It is necessary to incorporate Indian values in education: Prof. T.G. Sitaram

– 54th Foundation Day celebration of the Indian Board of Education organized

If you want to promote goodness, a premium has to be placed on it: Prof. Yogesh Singh

It is necessary to pay more attention to children in the age group of 5 to 15 years: Prof. Satchidanand Joshi

New Delhi, 01 April (HS): All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Chairman Prof. T.G. Sitaram said on Saturday that a strong India can be built only by including Indian values in education. Along with this, he stressed the inclusion of skills in regular educational programmes.

Pro. Sitaram was addressing the 54th Foundation Day celebrations organized by the Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, Delhi Province as the chief guest at the Conference Center of Delhi University (DU) today.

He said that through the National Education Policy (NEP)-2020, work has been done to incorporate the ancient knowledge tradition in the education system, along with the importance of the mother tongue has also been accepted. At present, work is being done in the direction of democratization of Indian education along with connecting knowledge and skills with technology. Efforts are being made to make important works available in Indian languages through translation.

Pro. Sitaram further said that the role of the teacher has changed in society in the last few years. Technology has worked to change the education system very fast. In this era of Artificial Intelligence and Chat GPT, information is available to everyone, but teachers are the only part of the society which builds a strong society by incorporating Indian values with technology and knowledge. Correct and effective use of technology is the need of the present era. Pro. Sitaram said that it is necessary to include skills in regular educational programmes.

Speaking on the occasion as a special guest, Vice Chancellor of Delhi University (DU) Prof. Yogesh Singh said that if goodness has to be promoted, a premium has to be placed on it. He said that if goodness is not encouraged then how will goodness flourish! Vice Chancellor said that evil comes on its own while goodness is very fragile. Small experiments will have to be done to encourage him. In today’s time, this is a big challenge, on which the education board needs to work. He said that it is up to the professors to decide how to do it.

The Vice-Chancellor said that the teachers are more responsible than the children for the misbehaviour of the children. Addressing the teachers, he said that you are professors and the country has expectations from you. Today, from society to the court, people trust us. The onus is on us to make the students good, and this will happen when we ourselves become good. He said that the education board needs to work on these subjects in the next 10-15 years.

While presiding over the ceremony, All India President of the Indian Teachers Board, Prof. Sachchidanand Joshi said that the Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal aims to bring Indianness to education. Emphasizing the importance of child education, he said that at present more attention needs to be given to children in the age group of 5 to 15 years. These children will build India after 25 years. Pro. Expressing concern, Joshi said that it is unfortunate that today we do not have time for this. He called upon all the teachers to consider it as their responsibility.

Pro. Joshi said that today there is a need for the best, most dedicated and ascetic teachers in society. As the teacher thinks, so will the behaviour of society. Indian Education Board is constantly trying to nurture the Indian education system with Indian values. This organization is doing commendable work in shaping the India of the future by going ahead with customs and policies. He further said that a society which has the best teachers will not have to look elsewhere for anything. Today, there is a need to inculcate Indian values in children during primary education itself so that they can be sensitized towards the nation and society. Indian sages have done the work of laying a strong foundation for Indian society with their knowledge and tenacity, which the scholarly power in the form of teachers has worked to enrich even in adverse circumstances.

Hindusthan Samachar/Sushil/Indrani Sarkar

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