Breach of Privilege THREAT & DELETION of News Article

In a historic development in Goa, Town & Country Planning Minister Vishwajit Rane took a dramatic step by announcing to file a Breach of Privilege motion against the Editor-in-Chief of a national newspaper. Rane accused the publication of spreading “malicious and misleading” news. This announcement lead to the removal of the article titled 21.29 lakh sq m green zones in Goa converted for construction in 15 months: Datafrom Hindustan Times

The article, which detailed a significant conversion of green zones for construction under the BJP-led Goa government, was praised by local activists who argued that it was factually accurate and crucial for public awareness. The deletion of the article has sparked a debate among Goa’s activists and the broader public, raising concerns about potential attempts to suppress media freedom and questioning whether this marks the beginning of a new era of censorship.

The controversy began on July 23, when Hindustan Times published an article titled, “21.29 lakh sq m green zones in Goa converted for construction in 15 months: Data”, authored by journalist Gerard De Souza.

The piece quickly gained traction, circulating widely across WhatsApp groups and social media platforms. Activists were initially elated, believing that national media was finally addressing their long-standing concerns about environmental violations in Goa.

However, the article’s impact was short-lived due to two major developments: Minister Vishwajit Rane announced he would file a Breach of Privilege motion against the newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief, and Hindustan Times subsequently remove the article from its website.

This development was further covered by other online media outlets, highlighting the intervention of Rane, who is seen in photographs with India’s Home Minister Amit Shah and had a special pat on the back by PM Narendra Modi during the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections 2024. In response to the Breach of Privilege motion and the removal of the article, the Goa Union of Journalists (GUJ) issued a statement reaffirming their full support for the journalist and condemning any attempt to stifle media coverage.

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