Ashwini Nakshatra

Ashwini Nakshatra

Ashwini Nakshatras:

Ashwini Nakshatra is the 1st of 27 Nakshatras, ranging from Aries 0 to 13 degrees 20 minutes from Aries. It is the first nakshatra in astrology, and its symbol is the horse’s head because the deity is, or rather are, ‘Ashwini Kumars’ – horse-headed twins. Ashwini Kumars were celestial physicians. They were the healers of the gods. Therefore, you will find many Ashwini natives in the medical field. They are great surgeons, doctors, and traditional healers.

Ashwini Nakshatra Padas

1AriesMarsSpontaneous, energetic, live, initiator
2TaurusVenusMaterial manifestation, desires, possessions, stylish
3GeminiMercuryLight-hearted, friendly, communication, speedy
4CancerMoonService, healers, philanthropic, emotions

Ashwini Nakshatra 1st Pada:-

1st Pada of Ashwini Nakshatra is ruled by Aries Navamsa (Governed by Mars).

Those born in the first pada of Ashwini Nakshatra are daring, carry on fire-associated jobs, are stingy, and court other women.

The native born in the first pada of Ashwini Nakshatra will show strong & amplified Mars transit.

The native will show high endurance, will be athletic, competitive, technical, constructive, goal-oriented, pioneering, hard-working, driven, daring, courageous doctors, protector, hot-headed, revenge-minded, immature, and overly

Ashwini Nakshatra 2nd Pada:-

The 2nd Pada of Ashwini Nakshatra is ruled by Taurus Navamsa (Governed by Venus).

Those born in the second pada of Ashwini Nakshatra are religious, bright, and think before acting.

Venus’ energy tones down the aggressive Mars nature and gives balanced aggression, and control actions, the native may be less impulsive/accident prone, practical, resourceful, socially graceful, personable, have balanced heroic actions, physically creative, physically artistic, dancers, musicians, athletes, and involved in sports involving balance or creative aspects.

The 3rd Pada of Ashwini Nakshatra is ruled by Gemini Navamsa (Governed by Mercury).

Ashwini Nakshatra 3nd Pada:-

The native born in the third pada of Ashwini Nakshatra is a learned, good eater, enjoyer, anxious, wins in arguments, quarrelsome and heroic.

Mercury’s energy speeds up the communication and thinking process mentally, and the native will have energetic speech, be mentally competent, debating, arguing, be attuned to emergencies, danger, and extreme situations, be fast responses, mentally quick-witted, fast learner, quick interpreter, gossipy, mentally geared toward topics of actions, health, healing, sports, war, independence, and pioneering activities.

Ashwini Nakshatra 4th Pada:-

The 4th Pada of Ashwini Nakshatra is ruled by Cancer Navamsa (Governed by Moon).

Those born in the fourth pada of Ashwini Nakshatra are worshipers of Gods, religious, and obtain women’s goodwill.

Moon’s energy brings emotional nature, and the natives may be empathetic, healer, nourishing, and idealistic towards others in need, emotionally attached to helping others, giving all they have to save a life, help a person or assist their needs, put every pioneering effort or anything that demands physical effort and gets their full emotional attachment.

The native is very protective and defensive of people they care about, their environment, things they create, can jump into dangerous situations, show greater courage and give all their efforts to help people in emergency situations, and is emotionally charged or depressed by the results of healing or failing to help others.

Astronomical Information of Ashwini Nakshatra:-

Some astronomers think Alpha Arietis is the Yogathara of Ashwini and others think it is Beta Arietis. Beta Arietis is considered simply because Alpha Arietis is outside the range of Ashwini.

This is a spectroscopic binary star system – a star orbit pair around each other. A pair cannot be resolved using an ordinary telescope. A star with a mass of a Sun orbits a star double the Sun’s mass every 107 days. In this star system, 95% of the luminosity is produced by a heavier star.

While they rotate around each other, the smaller star comes closer to the larger star. The distance is as less as just 20% of the Sun and Mercury distance.

Interestingly enough, the deity of Ashwini Nakshathra is Ashwini Kumars. They are called twin brothers as if our seers very well knew about this binary star system. It is pearly white and in the right horn of the ram. It is considered hotter than average.

Caste of Ashwini Nakshatra:-

The caste of this Nakshatra is the merchant, which fits quite well with the Ashwins.

Many who think this Nakshatra is only for healing and medicine are completely wrong.

Ashwini is about performing miracles, healing not only just the body, but also situations and results, and travelling quickest to something.

Being of a merchant caste, they are always quick to do business and make a deal upon their talent of performing miracles for the client or company.

A merchant is simply a businessman or a businesswoman and has the quality of being most friendly, and having great stories to tell to sell an item.

These charming natives would always swindle an average person.

Characteristics of Ashwini Nakshatra Male:-

Ashwini Nakshatra men are Ketu-dominated ones – the South node of the Moon bearers. Following are the characteristics of Ashwini Nakshatra for males:

The males born in the Ashwini Nakshatra are very attractive. Their zest for life and forging ahead for new experiences make their company more sought after. 

Ashwini men have always been known for their extravagant nature. They have a big friend circle and huge support from their friends.

They forget to keep a count of their expenses when it comes to parties, vacations, adventures, and impressing someone special. 

They can’t hold criticism easily, and often they are remarked as being too stubborn by their family members. They share good bonds with family members, though, as they are light in the house. 

They are pioneers in their work. Whatever they do, they do it with full involvement. They bring about new innovative ideas into action. 

They are prone to chest and bone ailments. They need to be careful about speedy driving and fire-related accidents. Overall, they are bestowed with the best of health.

Characteristics of Ashwini Nakshatra Female:-

The mix of sweet and sour always attracts others. That is the same in the case of Ashwini females who win many admirers with their loud, flaunty, and fun-loving nature. But at the same time, they are dripping sweet. So let’s dive into the characteristics of Ashwini Nakshatra for females:

On the family front, Ashwini females are very loving and devoted. They are like a pro when it comes to multitasking. They give time to their family while working hard in their professions.

If they get married between the ages of 23 to 26, their marriage works well. Their partner never gets a chance to do mundane life as these special females have wings that fly into new adventures.

They do well in a job that requires power and assertiveness. 

They are prone to mental stress. Mostly they are in the best of health.

However, Ashwini Females should be driving safely and beware of fire accidents.

Ashwini Nakshatra Strengths:- The spirit of Ashwini’s native is young and joyful. They are unafraid to face the challenges that life brings to them. Even in struggling times, they remain confident and fearless. They don’t like wasting so much time, and they respond to situations very promptly.

Ashwini nakshatra natives are trustworthy, nonjudgmental, and honest. They don’t enjoy being drawn into social drama or gossiping. However, they sincerely care about people and do their best to assist those around them.

Ashwini Nakshatra Weakness:-Ashwini natives may make decisions in the heat of the moment without properly understanding the consequences of an action. They may be short-sighted in this regard.

As they strive to keep up with different responsibilities, their tendency to take on multiple tasks might cause stress or frustration. As they acquire more deadlines, Ashwini natives may find themselves neglecting other assignments and leaving them incomplete. This might make them feel unsatisfied. Hence, it’s essential to focus and be honest about their abilities. This may allow them to concentrate on what is genuinely essential.

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