Shukra (Venus)

Shukra (Venus)

Characteristics of Shukra (Venus):-

Venus is known as Shukra, and it is considered one of the most beneficial and auspicious planets. It represents love, beauty, romance, pleasure, and art. Here are some of the characteristics of Venus in Vedic astrology:

Signification: Venus is the significator of love, beauty, art, creativity, luxury, and sensuality. It rules over Taurus and Libra signs.

Nature: Venus is a natural benefic planet and represents positivity, harmony, and balance.

Exaltation and Debilitation: Venus is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo.

Direction: Venus rules over the southeast direction.

Relationships: Venus is friendly with Mercury and Saturn, neutral with Jupiter and Mars, and inimical with the Sun and Moon.

Body parts: Venus rules over the reproductive organs, sexual pleasure, throat, and face.

Colour and Metal: The colour associated with Venus is white and the metal is silver.

Gemstone: The gemstone associated with Venus is a Diamond.

Transit effects: When Venus is strong in one’s birth chart or during its transit, it brings love, romance, beauty, artistic creativity, and luxury. When weak or afflicted, it can cause problems in relationships, financial losses, and health issues related to reproductive organs.

History Of Shukra:-

Shukra was also called “Friday”. Shukra means “Bright illumination”. Shukra is the presiding God of comfort, arts, and culture and also a presiding of love and married life of Men. Shukra was the instructor of King Bali and demons. He rides the vehicle like a frog.

He is the owner of the zodiac signs of Taurus(Rishaba) and Libra(Thula). He was standing with folded hands. He is Indrani(queen of gods). Diamond was sought for his puja. Flat white beans are the associated grain for Venus.

The Main Significance of Shukra:-

Love and relationships: Venus represents love, romance, and relationships. It influences one’s ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships and indicates the level of attraction and compatibility between partners.

Beauty and aesthetics: Venus is associated with beauty, art, and aesthetics. It influences one’s artistic creativity and appreciation for beauty, including fashion, music, and the arts.

Material comforts: Venus represents material comforts, luxury, and wealth. It can indicate one’s financial success and their ability to enjoy the finer things in life.

Marriage and family life: Venus is the natural significator of marriage and family life. Its influence can indicate the quality of one’s married life and their ability to form a happy family.

Health: Venus is associated with reproductive organs and sexual pleasure. Its influence can impact one’s sexual health and fertility.

Spirituality: Venus also represents spirituality and inner harmony. Its influence can help individuals find balance and inner peace.

  • Sanskrit word- Shukra
  • Day- Friday
  • Relationship- Spouse, wife, and husband.
  • Sex- Female
  • Lagan Lord in Navamas- 1 Fortnight
  • Direction- South East
  • Element-Water
  • Colour- Rainbow White
  • Gem- Diamond
  • Type- Benefit
  • Metal-Silver
  • Neutrals- Mars, Jupiter
  • Aspects- ‘7
  • Major Period- 19 (16%)
  • Own sign- Taurus, Libra
  • Body Part- Semen, neck, face, private parts
  • Avatar/ Incarnation- Parshuram
  • God- Laxmi
  • Taste- Sour
  • Prakirti- Rajas
  • Physiology/ Disease- Reproductive organs, Fluids, Kidneys, Emission, and Secretion. Asthma, Diabetes, Venereal disease, Cough, Phthysis, and cold.

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