Home Ancient Sciences and Vidya Rahu (north node of the moon)

Rahu (north node of the moon)

Characteristics of Rahu:-

Rahu is a shadow planet in Vedic astrology, also known as the North Node of the Moon. It is not a physical planet, but an imaginary point in space that represents the point where the Moon’s orbit intersects with the ecliptic plane. Here are some of the main characteristics of Rahu in Vedic astrology:

Signification: Rahu represents worldly desires, materialism, obsession, addictions, illusions, and sudden events. It rules over the zodiac sign of Aquarius and is associated with the 8th house.

Nature: Rahu is a malefic planet and is known to bring sudden and unexpected events, challenges, and obstacles into one’s life.

Exaltation and Debilitation: Rahu is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio.

Direction: Rahu rules over the southwest direction.

Relationships: Rahu is friendly with Saturn, Mercury, and Venus, neutral with Sun, Moon, and Jupiter, and inimical with Mars.

Body parts: Rahu rules over the head, neck, and nervous system.

Colour and Metal: The colour associated with Rahu is smoky grey and the metal is lead.

Gemstone: The gemstone associated with Rahu is Hessonite or Gomed.

Transit effects: Rahu’s placement and strength in the birth chart can have a significant impact on one’s life, including career, relationships, health, and spirituality. When strong, Rahu can bring sudden and unexpected gains, success, and recognition. However, when weak or afflicted, it can bring unexpected events, challenges, and obstacles, as well as addictions and illusions.

Rahu is a planet of worldly desires, materialism, and sudden events, and its placement and strength in the birth chart can have a significant impact on one’s life. It is known to bring challenges and obstacles, but also sudden gains and success.

History of Rahu:-

Rahu is divided into “Ra” and “Hu” separately. “Ra” means Surrender and “Hu” means Sacrifice. He is the presiding God of Wordly desire. He is closely connected to Ketu. He rides his own vehicle as a lion. He was born for Rakshasa, a Demon. It is not a planet but an ascending point of the Moon. It looks different. The upper half body of Rahu is like Man and the lower half is like a Snake.

He does not be a member of any zodiac sign but gives the effect to the sign. He was a dragon head preserved by Lord Durga(Goddess of power) and Naga Devathai(Serpent God). Black Gram is the associated grain for Rahu.

The main significance of Rahu:-

Materialistic desires: Rahu is associated with materialistic desires, worldly pleasures, and obsessions. It represents one’s cravings for material possessions, power, and fame.

Sudden events and surprises: Rahu is known to bring sudden and unexpected events in one’s life, which can either be positive or negative. It can cause sudden gains or losses, unexpected opportunities, and sudden changes in life.

Illusions and deceptions: Rahu is associated with illusions, deceptions, and tricks. It can create confusion and deception in one’s mind, leading to bad decisions and outcomes.

Technology and innovation: Rahu is associated with technology, innovation, and modernization. It represents the urge to explore new and unconventional ways of doing things.

Foreign travel and culture: Rahu represents foreign travel, foreign culture, and new experiences. It indicates the desire to explore different cultures and traditions.

Unconventional thinking: Rahu is associated with unconventional thinking, and represents the ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.

Karma and past lives: Rahu is also associated with karma and past lives. It is believed that a strong Rahu in the birth chart can indicate past life karmic debt, which needs to be resolved in the current life.

  • Sanskrit word- Rahu
  • Relationship- Parental Grandfather.
  • Sex- Female
  • Direction- None
  • Element-None
  • Colour- Smoky
  • Gem- Hessonite
  • Type- Malefic
  • Metal- Graphite, Lead
  • Neutrals- None
  • Aspects- None
  • Major Period- 07 (06%)
  • Own sign- Aries
  • Body Part- Hair, excretory organ
  • Avatar/ Incarnation- Varaha
  • God- Saraswati
  • Taste- Foul
  • Prakirti- Tamas
  • Physiology/ Disease- Alimentary canal and excretory system. Gas, Indigestion, accumulation in stomach or intestines, swelling, skin disease, swelling, high cough, and insect bite.

Mantras For Rahu:-

Om Rahave Namaha

Om Sri Rahave Namaha

Om Hreem Rahave Namaha

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