Buddha (Mercury)

Buddha (Mercury)

Characteristics of Buddha (Mercury):-

In Vedic astrology, the planet Budha (Mercury) is considered one of the most important planets as it represents intellect, communication, and the power of the mind. Here are some of the characteristics of Budha:

Signification: Budha is the significator of speech, communication, intelligence, and analytical thinking. It rules over Virgo and Gemini signs.

Nature: Budha is a neutral planet, meaning it is neither completely beneficial nor malefic. It takes on the nature of the planet it is associated with.

Exaltation and Debilitation: Budha is exalted in Virgo and debilitated in Pisces.

Direction: Budha rules over the north direction.

Relationships: Budha is friendly with the Sun, Venus, and Rahu, neutral with the Moon and Mars, and inimical with Jupiter and Saturn.

Body parts: Budha rules over the nervous system, brain, hands, tongue, and speech.

Colour and Metal: The colour associated with Budha is green and the metal is bronze.

Gemstone: The gemstone associated with Budha is Emerald.

Transit effects: When Budha is strong in one’s birth chart or during its transit, it brings good communication skills, intelligence, and logical thinking. When weak or afflicted, it can cause problems in communication, mental stress, and difficulties in learning.

Budha is an important planet in Vedic astrology and its strength and placement in the birth chart can have a significant impact on one’s life.

The Main Significance Of Buddha:-

The planet Budha (Mercury) holds significant importance in Vedic astrology as it is considered the planet of communication, intelligence, and analytical thinking. Here are some of the main significances of Budha in Vedic astrology:

Intelligence and communication: Budha represents intelligence, communication skills, and analytical thinking. It is associated with the power of the mind, memory, and the ability to learn and communicate effectively.

Career and business: Budha is considered the planet of business and commerce, and its placement and strength in the birth chart can have a significant impact on one’s career and financial success.

Education and learning: Budha rules over education, learning, and academic achievements. Its influence can help individuals gain knowledge and succeed in their academic pursuits.

Technology and innovation: Budha is associated with technology, innovation, and new ideas. It can help individuals come up with new and creative solutions to problems and excel in fields related to science and technology.

Relationships: Budha is also associated with relationships, especially marriage. Its influence can indicate the level of compatibility and understanding between partners.

Health: Budha rules over the nervous system, brain, hands, tongue, and speech, and its influence can impact one’s mental and physical health.

History of Budha (Mercury):-

Budha is the son of the Moon God. He is also called “Wednesday” or “Sowmya”. He is the presiding God for Education and Intelligence. He improves a Person’s education and teaching performance. He was the owner of the zodiac signs Gemini(Miduna) and Virgo(Kanya). He holds Vedas in one hand, the sword in the other hand, and his other two hands carry mace and shield.

Budha means “Recognition”. Budha rides a lion as a vehicle. Green Gram is the associated grain for Mercury. He was preserved by Lord Vishnu. Emerald was sought for his puja.

  • Sanskrit word- Budha
  • Day- Wednesday
  • Relationship- Maternal Uncle and all blood relations.
  • Sex- Neutral
  • Lagan Lord in Navamas- 2 Months
  • Direction- North
  • Element- Earth
  • Colour- Green
  • Gem- Green Emerald
  • Type- Depends on
  • Metal-Lead
  • Neutrals- Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
  • Aspects- ‘7
  • Major Period- 18 (15%)
  • Own sign- Gemini, Virgo
  • Body Part- Nerve tissue, skin, arms, shoulders, hands, intestines, and respiratory canal.
  • Avatar/ Incarnation- Budha
  • God- Durga
  • Taste- Mixed
  • Prakirti- Rajas
  • Physiology/ Disease- Tongue, Bowels, Bronchial tube, Sensorium, Gastric juice, Nerve centres, and Hands. Loss of memory, epilepsy, loss of memory or speech, vertigo, and dyspepsia.

Mantras For Buddha (Mercury):-

Om Budhaya Namaha

Om Sri Budhaya Namaha

Om Hreem Budhaya Nama

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