Home Ancient Sciences and Vidya Brihaspati/Guru (Jupiter)

Brihaspati/Guru (Jupiter)

Brihaspati/Guru (Jupiter)

Characteristics of Brihaspati/Guru (Jupiter):-

Jupiter, also known as Brihaspati, is considered the most benefic planet in Vedic astrology. It is associated with wisdom, knowledge, good fortune, prosperity, and spirituality. Here are some of the characteristics of Jupiter in Vedic astrology:

Signification: Jupiter represents knowledge, wisdom, good fortune, spirituality, philosophy, and higher education. It rules over Sagittarius and Pisces signs.

Nature: Jupiter is a natural benefic planet and represents positivity, expansion, growth, and abundance.

Exaltation and Debilitation: Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and debilitated in Capricorn.

Direction: Jupiter rules over the northeast direction.

Relationships: Jupiter is friendly with Sun, Moon, and Mars, neutral with Venus and Mercury, and inimical with Saturn.

Body parts: Jupiter rules over the liver, thighs, and feet.

Colour and Metal: The colour associated with Jupiter is yellow and the metal is gold.

Gemstone: The gemstone associated with Jupiter is Yellow Sapphire.

Transit effects: When Jupiter is strong in one’s birth chart or during its transit, it brings wisdom, knowledge, good fortune, and prosperity. It can also indicate spiritual growth and higher education. When weak or afflicted, it can cause problems in these areas and may lead to financial losses or setbacks.

History of (Brihaspati/Guru):-

Guru is also called “Thursday”. He has four hands and holds a weapon called “Vajraayudham”. Guru own his vehicle as Swan, which was a mythical bird, white in colour. He is the presiding God of married life for women. He is the instructor for Devas. Guru means “Remover of Darkness”. He is the owner of the zodiac signs of Sagittarius(Dhanushu) and Pisces(Meena).

Bengal Gram is the grain associated with Jupiter. He was Indra(King of Devas) preserved by Lord Brahma. Yellow Sapphire or Topaz was sought for his puja.

The Main Significance of Brihaspati:-

Wisdom and knowledge: Jupiter represents wisdom, knowledge, and learning. It indicates one’s ability to understand complex concepts and apply them in life. A strong Jupiter can make one highly intelligent and capable of acquiring knowledge easily.

Good fortune and prosperity: Jupiter is associated with good fortune, prosperity, and abundance. It indicates one’s ability to achieve success and abundance in life. A strong Jupiter can bring financial stability and success in business and career.

Spirituality and religion: Jupiter is considered the planet of spirituality and religion. It indicates one’s interest in spiritual practices, religious beliefs, and higher education. A strong Jupiter can bring spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Marriage and family life: Jupiter is the natural significator of marriage and family life. It indicates one’s ability to form a happy and successful married life and maintain a good relationship with family members.

Health: Jupiter rules over the liver, thighs, and feet. A strong Jupiter indicates good health and vitality.

Protection from negative energies: Jupiter is considered a protective planet that can provide protection from negative energies and evil spirits.

  • Sanskrit word- Guru
  • Day- Thursday
  • Relationship- An older brother and offspring.
  • Sex- Male
  • Lagan Lord in Navamas- 1 Months
  • Direction- North East
  • Element-Ether
  • Colour- Gold Yellow
  • Gem- Yellow Saphire
  • Type- Benefit
  • Metal-Gold
  • Neutrals- Saturn
  • Aspects- ‘5-7-9
  • Major Period- 16 (13%)
  • Own sign- Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Body Part- Fat, thighs, liver, ears, feet
  • Avatar/ Incarnation- Vamana
  • God- Bhrama
  • Taste- Sweet
  • Prakirti- Sattva
  • Physiology/ Disease- Ears, Liver, Navel, Hips, Palate, Physical Development, and Throat. Dyspesia, phthisis, cough, congestion, asthma, thrombosis, and diseases associated with Kapha, sinus, allergies, cold, and diarrhoea.

Mantras For Brihaspati/Guru:-

Om Gurave Namaha

Om Brihaspataye Namaha

Om Sri Gurave Namaha

Om Hreem Brihaspataye Namah

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